Dairy company opts for hygiene coatings by MC

Wysokie Mazowieckie - Poland

Exceptional hygiene thanks to Emcephob LE

Scheduled to go into service this year with a processing capacity of up to 2.5 million litres of milk and 1.5 million litres of whey, Mlekovita II will be the biggest facility of its kind in Central and Eastern Europe. This is a prestige project in which the highest hygiene standards apply and for which special requirements covering a broad range of aspects have been placed on the materials used in the construction. The demands covering the production areas were particularly strict, leading the project management to specify for the walls and ceilings an easy-to-apply and easy-to-clean surface protection coating with confirmed hygienic properties. The race was ultimately won by Emcephob LE, the high-performance coating from MC. Porosities, blowholes and other irregularities in the substrate and steel-reinforced concrete components were levelled using the filler compound MC-Powertop F fine.
Exceptionally flexible – extremely safe

Emcephob LE (Low Emission) met all the specified requirements. This high-performance hydrophobic coating system is universally suitable both for mineral substrates such as standard concrete, airentrained concrete and render, and for polymermodified internal plasters, as well as for many other substrate materials. It offers a combination of exceptional technical properties: Thanks to a new binding agent technology, it provides an extremely smooth and closed surface structure that is dirt-repelling, UV-resistant, scratch-proof, abrasion-resistant, water-repelling and water-impermeable, yet is still open to vapour diffusion.
Emcephob LE has been tested in accordance with the specifications of Germany’s AgBB (Commission for Health Assessment of Construction Products) and has been passed as nonhazardous to health. This means it can be used without limitation for interior applications. The Hygiene Institute of the Ruhr District has also confirmed the product system as suitable for indirect contact with foods. The disinfectant resistance test performed by TÜV SÜD (German Technical Directorate) confirms excellent cleanability. The high-quality surface protection material is thus the ideal solution for the food industry – as it is for hospitals, doctors‘ practices, schools and much more

The flagship Mlekovita II project: The walls and ceilings of this ultra-modern milk powder factory are protected with the high-performance coating Emcephob LE.
The flagship Mlekovita II project: The walls and ceilings of this ultra-modern milk powder factory are protected with the high-performance coating Emcephob LE.
© MC-Bauchemie 2017

Finished on time despite adverse circumstances

Despite the high pressure on time imposed by the investor and the resultant, occasionally difficult coordination of the trades involved, not to mention the adverse weather conditions ranging from high summer temperatures to cold snaps in the autumn, the entire 35,000 m² of wall and ceiling surface was ultimately coated with Emcephob LE within the specified timeframe. And success breeds success, with another project of a similar magnitude already in the pipeline.

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    Dairy company opts for hygiene coatings by MC

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    Wysokie Mazowieckie - Poland, 2021

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