Façade renovation

Manchester - Great Britain

But let’s go back a few years: in 2003, Baskerville House was built as part of the Riverside Business Park on New Bailey Street in Manchester. At that time, the exterior façade was pigmented with Betonflair W, the carbonation-resistant surface protection system from MC. This was one of the first major projects of the still young MC Building Chemicals, and a contract that won considerable accolades. Since that time, MC product systems have become established solutions for projects undertaken by the British real estate company Bruntwood, which was also the client for the 2003 new build.
Teamwork between proven partners
The company recently committed to completely modernising Baskerville House in downtown Manchester. Since all windows of the building were to be replaced as part of the project, Bruntwood also decided to revise the colour scheme of the façade. Hardisty CRN Ltd., a renowned specialist in the northwest of England for the rehabilitation and protection of concrete, was selected as the applicator.
Façade renovation with MC-Color
As was the case more than a decade ago, an MC surface protection system was chosen by the client for the renovation of Baskerville House. They opted for MC Color, an improved, modern system that has been used as a replacement for the Betonflair products since 2016. It consists of three product lines: MC-Color Proof, MC-Color Flair and MC-Color Flex. 

Colour upgrade: Baskerville House after the modernisation project in 2017.
Colour upgrade: Baskerville House after the modernisation project in 2017.
© MC-Bauchemie 2025

There are a total of nine graded variants which, in addition to excellent technical performance properties, offer optimised processing and application characteristics. In the case of Baskerville House, MC-Color Flex was used as the ideal pigmented, flexible coating offering concrete protection and crack bridging on the exterior, weather-exposed surfaces. Its excellent crack-bridging properties have been confirmed in numerous tests.
Quality and cost-efficiency
The desired colour change of the façade had already been achieved with MC-Color Flex after just two layers. Work on Baskerville House, which began in June 2017, was therefore completed well on schedule by the end of August 2017. The building now appears fresher and more contemporary, with both the applicator and the client delighted at the results produced by the high-end coating. The project is also a prime example of the effective teamwork that can be achieved between well-coordinated partners. 

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    Façade renovation

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    Manchester - Great Britain, 2021

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