Top performance in Samorín

Šamorín - Slovakia

In the Slovakian town of Samorín, south-west of the capital, Bratislava, a multifunctional sport and leisure complex has been constructed in the form of the x-bionic® sphere, designed as a paradise not just for professional athletes but also for ambitious amateurs and health and fitness enthusiasts. Top performance in the structural waterproofing discipline was also achieved by the polymer-modified thick bituminous coating Nafuflex Profi Tech 2 from MC.
A unique sport venue

The ambitious project was the result of a joint vision conceived by the influential Slovakian investor Mario Hoffmann and Prof. Dr. Bodo Lambertz, founder of X-Bionic, a brand with an international reputation for innovative professional sportswear. Located in the centre of Europe close to the international airports of both Bratislava and Vienna, the x-bionic® sphere is a completely unique venue and resort.
It offers professional facilities for 27 Olympic sports over a total area of more than 1 million square metres, and has been the official Olympic training centre for the Republic of Slovakia since 2016. The huge complex includes indoor and outdoor swimming pools, a riding centre, a modern track and field stadium, a first class hotel and conference facilities, together with restaurants, bars, lounges and relaxation areas.

View of the finished Aqua Arena of the x-bionic® sphere: Here too, all the buildings were sealed with Nafuflex Profi Tech 2.
View of the finished Aqua Arena of the x-bionic® sphere: Here too, all the buildings were sealed with Nafuflex Profi Tech 2.
© MC-Bauchemie 2017

A proven pro in structural waterproofing

In order to waterproof the various buildings and structures, the general contractor, Ingsteel spol. s.r.o., decided on MC’s Nafuflex Profi Tech 2 from a product range that already enjoys an excellent reputation based on numerous references in the Republic of Slovakia and beyond. The main task lay in waterproofing the Aqua Arena – an area of around 8,000 square metres – in which Nafuflex Profi Tech 2 proved to be a strong performer. The two-component, polymer- modified thick bituminous coating is ideally suited to waterproofing vertical, horizontal and inclined surfaces under protective coatings in accordance with DIN 18195. It is highly flexible and crack-bridging, and thanks to its sprayable consistency can also be airlessly applied. Not only does this ensure fast, problemfree application, it also offers a high yield per unit area. The powder component ensures the applied thickfilm coating dries quickly, while its solvent-free formula makes Nafuflex Profi Tech 2 particularly environmentally compatible. Over a period of some three and a half years, application specialists from the company NSM s.r.o. progressed from the Aqua Arena to all the other facilities of the sports complex, including the hotel and the biogas plant. Since that time, Nafuflex Profi Tech 2 has kept the buildings of the huge x-bionic® sphere sealed and dry, providing strong evidence of the high performance capabilities of MC’s waterproofing systems.

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    Top performance in Samorín

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    Šamorín - Slovakia, 2021

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